Benefits of Membership
Expanding Industry: Enjoy the fruits of North Carolina’s expanding specialty foods industry…your participation makes sales grow!
Networking: Manufacturers, retailers, and distributors, food service professionals, and other industry members share “inside” information to make “trial and error” less necessary. Annual Conference: The NCSFA hosts virtual conferences with dynamic speakers, networking, and up-to-date information during the summer months.
Trade Shows: NCSFA joins together to participate in trade shows and shares information on the most advantageous shows to attend, including the NASFT Fancy Food Show.
Newsletters: Our Monthly newsletter lets you know what is going on in North Carolina’s Specialty Food Industry and at the NCSFA. Click here to check out the Archive
Publicity & Public Relations: Press releases, media attention to Association events, and referrals to inquiring parties all get more attention for your business.
NC Dept. of Agriculture Support: Ongoing support from the Department of Agriculture.
Continuing Growth: More and more benefits continue to become available as the NCSFA grows.
Benefits have included…
Here is a list of member benefits members have enjoyed in past years. Each year is different – some more and some less, but it is a lot for your $150:
- Cost-share opportunities for members to exhibit at the Natural Products Expo and Summer Fancy Food show
- ServSafe Training (sponsored by NCDA)
- Annual NCSFA Product Awards Competition – bragging rights, press release and more!
- Advertising campaigns with UNC-TV and WRAL-FM (radio stations MIX 101.5, 99.9 The Fan and 95.7 That Station, WCPE)
- Professional photography for products at no charge – free product photos!
- Webinars for Social Media Marketing, Selling Online, Retail Marketing and more
- HACCP Certification training
- Guest Vendor Opportunities at state and regional farmers markets
- Advertising in Edible Asheville magazine, NCFB’s Field & Family magazine, Charlotte magazine, Our State magazine, and digital ads with Weather Channel app
- Summer Conference Series of virtual events via Zoom featuring industry leaders and experts to help you grow your business. Wednesdays during lunch and recorded for later viewing.