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Info on Membership

By entering your name and email address, and submitting this form, you agree to be added to our mailing list.ย  You'll receive an email immediately from us with some additional details on membership and our monthly newsletter.

If your interest changes and you no longer want to hear from us, unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any email.ย ย 

Here are a couple of links to additional information:

Newsletter Archive

How to Join

Info on Products

By entering your name and email address, and submitting this form, you agree to be added to our email list.ย  We send a brief email with updates from members, generally once a month.ย  If your interest changes and you no longer want to hear from us, unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any email.

Click here to search for members by products or categories

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I certify that the name, email address and any other information are true and correct, I grant the NCSFA to contact me as related to the request in this form submission.

NC Specialty Foods Association